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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
How to boost new quality productive forces? Insights from Guangdong's provincial department heads
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:王丹阳、黎秋玲、曾育文 发表时间:2025-01-16 23:09

Guangdong, one of China's economic powerhouses, is expected to achieve GDP of over 14 trillion yuan in 2024. What's next for the province in terms of spearheading economic progress and cultivating new quality productive forces in 2025? On January 15th, during the third session of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, a press conference was convened where heads from the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Committee, and other three provincial departments addressed media inquiries on advancing industrial and technological innovation.

Wang Yueqin, head of the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, outlined plans to strategically invest in cutting-edge technologies such as quantum science, brain-computer interfaces, advanced scientific instruments, and 6G. The department will target industrial needs, focusing on key areas for technological breakthroughs and launching special projects in low-altitude economy, AI, new materials, high-end equipment, and biomedicine, with one-third of the province's science funds directed towards basic research.

Ai Xuefeng, director of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, highlighted Guangdong's strengths in fostering new quality productive forces. The province will ramp up scientific innovation, elevate the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) as an international hub for scientific and technological innovation, and reinforce enterprises as the mainstay of innovation. It will also expand on Shenzhen's model, where over 90% of R&D institutions, personnel, funding, and job-related invention patents are enterprise-based.

Tu Gaokun, chief of the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Guangdong Province, detailed Guangdong's strategy to harmonize the growth of traditional, emerging, and future industries. The province aims to fortify its traditional strongholds, nurture trillion-yuan and over 50-billion-yuan level industrial clusters, and proactively plan for future industry projects. Additionally, efforts will be intensified to expedite intelligent and digital transformations, encourage corporate tech upgrades, and expand AI applications.

Liu Zonghui, head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province, reported that Guangdong has inventoried its agricultural germplasm resources, collecting 8,437 new crop germplasm samples, placing it at the forefront nationally in both types and quantities of preserved resources. The "Strong Seeds for a Strong Guangdong" project will be launched to develop an agricultural smart brain and enhance agricultural informatization.

Zhang Jinsong, director of the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province, noted that Guangdong has honed in on four key recruitment lists, securing 24 projects with over 100 million US dollars in funding from January to November last year. In 2025, the province will innovate recruitment, attract overseas sovereign funds, focus on strategic emerging and future industries, and attract top-tier enterprises, ensuring businesses operate with confidence and ease.

Source :Lingnan on the Cloud


作为中国第一经济大省,2024年广东预计全省地区生产总值(以下简称GDP)将突破14万亿元。2025年广东要如何继续挑起大梁、发展新质生产力? 1月15日下午,广东省十四届人大三次会议召开省直部门专场记者会,省科技厅、发展改革委等五部门厅长就推动产业科技发展等问题答记者问。





省商务厅厅长张劲松称,广东抓好4张招商清单,去年1-11月到资超1亿美元项目24个。2025年将创新招商方式,吸引海外主权基金,抓好场景招商,瞄准战略性新兴和未来产业,招引优质企业,让企业安心、舒心、有信心 。

文|记者 王丹阳 黎秋玲
图|记者 曾育文