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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Opinion| What fuels Guangdong's success in ecological leadership?
来源:羊城晚报-云上岭南 作者:许张超、胡彦、黄婷、詹淑真 发表时间:2024-09-22 22:03

Guangdong has established1,361 nature reserves, the highest number in China. Over the past four years, over 60 new species have been recorded in Guangdong, with rare species frequently spotted. The province boasts 193 demonstration sites for green ecological construction, offering the public green spaces to enjoy nature and fueling Guangdong's commitment to high-quality development.


Thanks to the support for ecological public forests, Xiaoshan Village in Conghua has transformed into the "Little Lugu Lake of Guangzhou", a testament to 25 years of hard work. The compensation for ecological public forests has increased to 159 yuan per mu, allowing villagers to benefit from sustainable practices while actively protecting local forests and biodiversity.

In Huizhou, the restoration of mangroves in Kaozhouyang Bayis progressing well. Through the "planting and breeding coupling"initiative, nearly 8,000 mu of mangroves have been cultivated, joining the natural mangroves to form nearly 10,000 mu of the largest mangrove planting base in China.

Surveys indicate that Guangdong is among the most biodiverse provinces in China, with 6,658 species of wild higher plants, including 10 national first-level protected species like Cycas szechuanensis,Glyptostrobus pensilisand Taxus chinensis var. mairei, found in various reserves. The province is home to 1,052 species of terrestrial vertebrates, including the black-faced spoonbilland the silver pheasant(the provincial bird).

Through sustained efforts, Guangdong has built a rich variety of nature reserves, earning its status as the country's sole demonstration province for nature reserve construction.

Source: Lingnan on the Cloud







出品人|杜传贵 林海利
总策划|孙爱群 吴江
策划、统筹|张爱丽 黄婷 胡彦 黄颖琳
文|记者 许张超 胡彦 黄婷 詹淑真
图|记者 董鹏程 严锦程