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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东·葡语】Fogang, Qingyuan: Uma galeria no coração de Cantão


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-08-24 12:14

Lingnan: Beleza para além das fronteiras | No passado, as caraterísticas culturais de #Fogang estavam claramente divididas entre a cultura Hakka do norte e a cultura Guangfu do sul, brilhando intensamente. Mais tarde, os descendentes de figuras históricas do norte e do sul reuniram-se em Fogang. As antigas #aldeias, com um património de mil anos, moldaram Fogang.

Na antiga aldeia de Shangyue, a essência da cultura Lingnan foi recolhida e preservada até aos dias de hoje pelos descendentes de Zhu Xi. As filas de salas de wok estendem-se continuamente, imponentes e magníficas; tudo aqui está gravado com #cultura, consolando a saudade da sua terra natal. #SplendidLingnan

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | In the past, the cultural characteristics of #Fogang were distinctly divided between northern Hakka culture and the southern Guangfu culture, shining brightly. Later, historical figures' descendants from both north and south gathered in Fogang. The ancient #villages, with a thousand years of heritage, have shaped Fogang.

In the Shangyue ancient village, the essence of Lingnan culture was gathered and preserved to this day by the descendants of Zhu Xi. Rows of wok rooms stretch continuously, imposing and magnificent; everything here is engraved with #culture, consoling the longing for one's hometown.#SplendidLingnan




