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【大美广东】Yangcheng Book Fair: Creating a Reading Carnival for Citizens


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-08-20 23:34

From 16 to 20 August, the annual Yangcheng Book Fair met readers again on the banks of the Pearl River. With the theme of "Book a Trip to the World" and the concept of a "Public Cultural Parlour", the fair set up one main venue, four types of branch venues, and one online venue, and held a series of supporting activities. At the site, books and famous artists' works were abundant, making it a reading feast that integrated #cultural services, cultural exchanges, cultural creativity, and cultural consumption.

With a history of 43 years, the Yangcheng Book Fair has become one of the most important cultural brands in Guangzhou for promoting and deepening reading for all. Based on the Yangcheng Book Fair, reading for all has become a new trend in Guangzhou!

8月16日-20日,一年一度的羊城书展在珠江畔再次与读者见面。书展以“阅见世界 (Book a Trip to the World)”为主题,以“公共文化会客厅”为理念,设置1个主会场、4类分会场、1个线上云会场,策划一系列配套活动。在书展现场,万卷云集、名家荟萃、门庭若市,成为了集文化服务、文化交流、文化创意、文化消费于一体的阅读盛宴。



