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Over 300 works revive 'Shadow Puppetry in China'
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:文艺 发表时间:2024-07-17 20:16

On July 17th, the Guangdong Museum launched the exhibition "Shadow Puppetry in China," featuring over 300 pieces (sets) of shadow puppets and related precious exhibits. The exhibition, co-hosted by the Guangdong Museum and the Chengdu Museum, showcases items from 20 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government (hereinafter referred to as provinces) and will run until December 1st. This is the first comprehensive exhibition of shadow puppetry from various parts of China in South China.

Shadow puppetry, also known as "shadow play" or "lantern shadow play," is an ancient traditional art form in Chinese folk culture, often hailed as the "earliest animation."

Upon entering the exhibition hall, visitors are immersed in a fantastical realm of shadow puppets, light, and sound. Each vivid piece, whether it depicts historical tales or folk legends, stands or sits, moves or stays still, brims with storytelling and artistic charm.

The exhibition features shadow puppets depicting characters, flowers, backgrounds, and various other shapes from 20 provinces including Shaanxi, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, and Gansu. The scene-based presentation highlights characteristics of wide distribution and intermingling of shadow puppetry styles across China.

"The biggest highlight of this exhibition is that visitors can experience the diverse and splendid shadow puppet art from all over China without leaving Guangzhou. It includes shadow puppet art from the late Qing Dynasty to the early Republic of China as well as contemporary works. By visiting the exhibition, one can gain a comprehensive understanding of the inheritance and development of Chinese shadow puppetry," said Chen Daina, curator of the Guangdong Museum.

In 2011, Chinese shadow puppetry was officially inscribed on UNESCO's "Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity." Many may not know that this vital component of traditional Chinese culture has long reached various parts of the world beyond Asia.

The exhibition also showcases shadow puppet art from Thailand and Turkey. Thai shadow puppets are uniquely shaped, colorful, and vibrant, exuding a strong exotic charm. Chen explained that these puppets can be controlled with sticks, with thin strings attached to their hands, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and sometimes legs and chins. The puppeteer maneuvers sticks and strings to control the puppet with ease. Additionally, the exhibition compares the Turkish shadow puppetryfigures "Karagöz and Hacivat" with the "Big Palm" (Senior Brother) puppets from Luan County, China, during the Qing Dynasty.

"Shadow puppetry, as a medium, can promote cultural exchange between different countries. We hope this exhibition will inspire visitors to think about the inheritance and development of intangible cultural heritage," Chen remarked.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News










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