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Focus | The future of art and humanity in the face of AI
来源:羊城派综合 发表时间:2024-07-10 21:36

Recently, the "Two AIs: Artificial Intelligence and Artistic Intelligence" forum, guided by the Organizing Committee of 2024 World A.I. Conference, hosted by the China Academy of Art, and with support from the Design and Innovation Center of the China Academy of Art, the Research Development & Innovative Office of the China Academy of Art, and the China Design and Intelligence Awards (DIA), took place at the Shanghai World Expo Center.

The forum examines the relationship between "Artificial Intelligence" and "Artistic Intelligence," urging people to pay attention not only to the development of AI technology but also to the advancement of human intelligence and creativity.

With the intervention of technology and innovations in materials and techniques, artistic creation is presented with infinite possibilities, yet artists also encounter new challenges. In the face of AI, where are art and humans headed? Zhang Zheng, Director of the Amazon Web Services AI Shanghai Lablet, delivered a speech titled "The Era of Large Models and Its Challenges to Artistic Creation."

He used the assembly-line characteristic of the current educational system as a starting point to explain the implications of large AI models for future education. He believes that, compared to AI, humans are driven by an innate curiosity that allows for deeper thinking and exploration of broader unknown territories. However, the key lies in how to "ask questions, ask good questions," which essentially fosters critical thinking.

Furthermore, through personal experiences such as examples of "AI-generated poetry," "AI interpretation of poetry," and "AI-generated abstract art," he conveyed his perspective on artificial intelligence and artistic intelligence. Zhang believes that AI will inevitably progress, and the question for artists is to learn how to apply and master it.

Various generative AI new media software and platforms continue to iterate. Leveraging his experience in media and technology, young artist Yuan Weiheng in Chengdu has kept pace with technological advancements as his artworks have evolved accordingly. Known for his hyper-realistic hand-drawn animal oil paintings, Yuan's works have become even more lifelike and dynamic with the aid of generative AI technology, making the fur on his subjects so detailed that it's hard to distinguish from reality.

He views generative AI art creation as a highly efficient production tool, but personally feels that "sooner or later, certain work processes of traditional art could be replaced by AI." Yuan believes that if such a day arrives, the only thing uniquely irreplaceable by humans will be the emotions inherent to the human brain. "Skills can be simulated, even to a very realistic degree," he says, "but emotions cannot be replaced."

In the era of AI, new technologies empower countless industries, serving and benefiting people. Amidst this, "human" stands out as the greatest asset, characterized by emotions and innovation that distinguish humans from machines. The key lies in how to achieve personalized expression through independent thinking and how to issue commands to generate unique creations that reflect one's individuality.

"At the heart of everything created by humans lies subjective thought for a better development for humanity," shared Yu Tongzhou, head of the Institute of Media & Interaction Design at the School of Design & Innovation, China Academy of Art, during the forum.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News



此论坛通过辨析“人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)与艺术智性(Artistic Intelligence)”的关系,呼吁人们关注人工智能技术发展的同时要更加敏锐地关注人类智性与创造力的发展。








来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派综合澎湃新闻、封面新闻等
译 | 林佳岱