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Catch the big fish—Wanlv Lake fishing season is open!
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:许悦、吴奕镇 发表时间:2024-07-07 22:20

On the morning of July 6th, the Xingang passenger and cargo port in Dongyuan County, Heyuan City, was bustling. By 9 am, more and more fishing boats gathered at the port. Vendors, shops, and residents from the provincial-level Cantonese cuisine food street in Xingang Town held containers, ready to receive the big fish with joy. As the fish receiving ceremony officially began, Dongyuan County's "Excellent Water in China— 2024 Fishing Season Opening Ceremony" of Wanlv Lake was officially launched.


At the event, thousands of tourists and residents from across the country gathered by Wanlv Lake to witness the fishermen's harvest, savor unique lake delicacies and experience the distinctive charm of Dongyuan's integration of agriculture, culture, and tourism.

Wanlv Lake is the largest lake in South China, with a water area of 370 square kilometers and a storage capacity of 13.9 billion cubic meters. The water quality has consistently met the national surface water standard Class I. In recent years, it has been awarded numerous honors, including National Wetland Park, National Forest Park, China's Natural Oxygen Bar, one of Guangdong Province's Top Ten Beautiful Rivers and Lakes, and one of Guangdong Province's Top Ten Most Beautiful Tourist Destinations.


Lush mountains and lucid water yield good fish. Dongyuan boasts abundant fishery resources. In recent years, through measures such as management during the close season for fishing and artificial fish stocking, the fish population in Wanlv Lake has been steadily increasing, significantly enriching the area's fishery resources.


Currently, Wanlv Lake is home to a variety of fish species, including the "Four Major Chinese Carps" (black carp, grass carp, silver carp, and bighead carp), as well as mandarin fish, Wuchang bream, predatory carp, blue knifefish, crucian carp, and other freshwater fish species that are naturally bred, or stocked and farmed in the lake. These fish are known for their tender texture, delicious taste, and rich nutritional value, making them a crucial pillar in promoting the prosperity of Dongyuan's rural economy and cultural tourism industry.


Since last year, Dongyuan County has been hosting the Wanlv Lake Fishing Season event on the first weekend of July annually. This event features a variety of exciting activities that connect Wanlv Lake Scenic Area with the provincial-level Cantonese cuisine food street in Xingang, attracting many tourists. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wanlv Lake while tasting the high-quality fresh fish it offers, experiencing the beauty of Wanlv Lake with their eyes, taste buds, and hearts.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News


7月6日上午一早,河源市东源县新港客货码头已是人头攒动。到了上午9时,越来越多的渔船不断朝码头聚集靠岸,来自新港镇省级粤菜美食街各商家、店铺及群众手捧盛鱼器皿,欢欢喜喜接大鱼。随着接鱼仪式正式开始,东源县2024年“中国好水 万绿湖开渔啦”活动正式启动。






文丨记者 许悦 吴奕镇
图丨欧阳瑶芹 许悦 受访者提供