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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
【大美广东】On World Earth Day, let’s light up the colorful ecology of Lingnan together! 世界地球日,一起点亮岭南多彩生态!
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-04-22 20:28

Nestled under the azure sky and clear waters lies the lush greenery of Southern #Guangdong! Get ready as the breathtaking #landscapes unfold before your eyes! #Shenzhen continues to carry out comprehensive improvement of the water environment in Maozhou #River, slowly unfolding a green and beautiful picture of harmony between people and water; The successful #ecological restoration of red sand ridges in #Nanxiong City has transformed the red desert with countless valleys into a vibrant green home; Chebaling National Natural Reserve, one of the largest natural reserves in Guangdong, is renowned for its unique and abundant #natural resources; The CGN Jiazi II offshore wind power project provides Guangdong with over 4.5 billion kilowatt hours of clean #electricity annually, adding impetus to Guangdong’s ecological construction... On World Earth Day, let’s light up the colorful ecology of #Lingnan together! #WorldEarthDay
