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【雲上嶺南】The vintage piece of Guangdong Han Opera, "Qin Xianglian", staged!


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-04-17 18:47

Art and Culture | Recently, the vintage piece of #Guangdong Han Opera, "Qin Xianglian", was staged at the theatre of the Guangdong Han #Opera Heritage Research Institute. Over 200 opera #fans and citizens came to watch it. During the 160-minute #performance, there were continuous applause and shouts of appreciation. Most of the actors and actresses of this opera were young people under 30 years old. With their hard-working #spirit, love and perseverance for the Guangdong Han Opera, they performed one wonderful #play after another for the audience. #artandculture
