Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | On April 9, Haizhu National Wetland Park in #Guangzhou welcomed a heavyweight newcomer, the state-level key protected wildlife species, Ciconia boyciana, which marks the discovery of the second state-level key protected #wildlife species in the park after the Yellow-breasted Bunting, bringing the total number of #bird species in #Haizhu Wetland to 197. The Ciconia boyciana is a large wading bird belonging to the #stork family, characterized by its graceful stature, black beak, red skin around the eyes, and white iris. It usually inhabits shallow waters near lakeshores. Due to its narrow breeding distribution and scarce numbers, it is currently listed as globally endangeredspecies.#SplendidLingnan
4月9日,广州海珠国家湿地公园迎来了重量级新“旅客”,国家一级重点保护野生动物,濒危物种——东方白鹳(学名:Ciconia boyciana)。这也是继黄胸鹀后,海珠湿地发现的第二种国家一级重点保护野生动物,至此海珠湿地鸟类提升至197种。