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I See China① |How Did Simiao Rice Cultivation Expert Become Deputy To The National People's Congress?
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:曾潇、付怡、林清石、方可茵、张惠鑫 发表时间:2024-03-08 19:46

The term "voting machine" is often used in the Western media to describe China's NPC deputies. International student Antonio asked Chen Shirong, a NPC deputy, "Are you a voting machine?"Chen Shirong replied directly, "No".

Check on the video for more!


来自广东江门台山的陈奭荣是丝苗米种植专家,他所经营的绿稻农场种植水稻 500 亩,最高年产 400 吨稻谷。在陈奭荣的农场,来自暨南大学的墨西哥留学生白洋体验了一把种田的“乐趣”。


统筹|蒋铮 侯恕望

策划|赵鹏 李国辉

执行|曾潇 付怡 温泽广 林清石


