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【老广贺春】Celebrate the Chinese New Year in Guangzhou's Orchid Garden with Pith paintings 新春来广州兰圃赏通草画
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:孙牧 发表时间:2024-02-11 13:43

In the fifth greenhouse of Guangzhou's Orchid Garden, nearly 20 pieces of pith paintings, an intangible cultural heritage, are quietly displayed, presenting a texture and quality akin to embroidery when illuminated by light. These paintings feature auspicious flowers and butterflies, wishes for the Chinese New Year expressed in Cantonese, city flower kapok, and Lingnan landscapes.

Recently, the 31st Guangzhou Garden Expo opened its Guangzhou Orchid Garden branch, featuring a variety of exciting exhibitions and over ten performance events. Among them, the pith paintings of "Greater Bay Area's Historical Memory" are showcased in the fifth greenhouse, revealing the unique charm of Guangzhou through delicate and exquisite artwork.

Pith paintings originated in the 19th century by folk painters from the Thirteen Hongs in Guangzhou as a type of export painting. It is based on traditional Chinese fine brushwork techniques, incorporating Western techniques such as chiaroscuro. The subjects of pith paintings include social scenes, flora and fauna of the Lingnan region, and the bustling trade between China and the West, earning them the nickname "Qing Dynasty's Guangzhou Postcards." In October 2022, pith paintings were included in the eighth batch of Guangzhou's municipal intangible cultural heritage representative project list.




文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 孙牧 通讯员 人民公园管理中心

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译 |刘佳慧 洪婷