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Guangzhou's only baby beluga whale 'Tangyuan' brings Chinese New Year blessings
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤、邓勃 发表时间:2024-01-31 22:22

As the Spring Festival approaches, the festive atmosphere flows in the streets. Guangzhou's only little beluga whale also officially celebrates its first month after its birth!

It was learned from the press conference regarding the Cultural Tourism Spring Festival Travel Guide in Grandview Mall held on January 30th that, on December 22nd, 2023, the winter solstice day, Grandview Aquarium successfully bred a baby beluga named "Tangyuan." "Tangyuan" is the 7th beluga baby bred in an artificial environment in China and the first one in the country in nearly three years.

According to Grandview Aquarium, the length of the beluga whale is 1.77 meters, with a chest circumference of 1.15 meters. Although it was born in the south of China, it is not small but a "big guy" among its peers.

As the Chinese Lunar New Year approaches, "Tangyuan" will make its debut to bring a different kind of happiness to visitors during the Spring Festival. The reporter saw on the scene that the baby beluga whale likes to cuddle up to its mother and occasionally becomes very naughty.

According to the staff, the beluga whale is a second-level protected animal in China, which has strict requirements for its habitat and breeding offspring, which has always been a challenge. The birth process of "Tangyuan" is completed independently by the mother whale without artificial assistance, which is also rare globally. The related conservation team has organized a top-notch technical team to protect the natural breeding of the baby beluga whale, and their contribution is indispensable.

It is reported that Grandview Aquarium has also successfully bred a variety of marine animals, such as penguins, recently. During the Spring Festival, parents can take their children to visit these adorable animal babies, enjoy the reunion with the ocean, and share the good luck of "welcoming a new beluga whale baby in the Chinese New Year."

At the press conference, the play guide featuring the new beluga whale baby and activities themed Tang Dynasty by Grandview Mall was unveiled.

This year, with the theme of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the five major theme parks under the Grandview Group, including the Grandview Aquarium, Grandview Rainforest, Grandview Penguin Snow World, S' park and Adventure Land, will continue to present 16 magnificent Tang-style performances and more than 1300 shows. There will also be 10 fun interactive activities to provide exciting Tang-style Chinese New Year experiences for citizens and tourists.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News



记者从1月30日举办的“‘鲸’喜春节 奇遇大唐 小白鲸满月暨正佳文旅新春游玩攻略”新闻发布会上获悉,2023年12月22日冬至当天,正佳极地海洋世界成功繁育出一只小白鲸,取名“汤圆”。“汤圆”是中国第7头人工环境下自然繁育的白鲸宝宝,也是近三年来的国内首头。





发布会上,正佳文旅《“鲸”喜春节 奇遇大唐》主题系列活动游玩攻略同步揭幕。


文丨记者 刘星彤 通讯员 李紫荷
图丨记者 邓勃