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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东】The Hustle and Bustle of Guangzhou amid the Fragrance of Flowers during the Spring Festival


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2024-01-26 20:27

Lingnan: Beauty Beyond Borders | The 2024 "Celebrate New Year in #Guangzhou, and come to to enjoy #flowers in that city of flowers" series of activities has begun! The events will start on January 24 and last until February. Citizens and tourists can revel in #fireworks, spring festival folk #culture, flowers, trendy theme #parks, traditional #dramas, #museums, #galleries, and spring festival presents and have fun in over 2500 activities. The spring festival here in Guangzhou is more lively and jolly. #SplendidLingnan

2024年“广州过年 花城看花”系列活动来了!本次活动自1月24日正式启动,持续至2月底。烟火年俗、踏春赏花、潮玩乐游、百戏争芳、多彩文博、新春礼包等六大板块共计2500多场文旅活动,让市民游客感受到年味更浓、市场更旺、烟火气更足的龙年新春。

文 | 记者 刘星彤 通讯员 穗文广旅宣

图、视频 | 穗文广旅宣