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【大美广东】Classic love story painted on porcelain travels overseas | Master & Masterpieces: Guangdong​Treasures⑤ 瓷上西厢记,经典传海千万里|名家说名作·粤藏于海⑤
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-12-29 19:34

Just imagine a scene from an 18th-century European aristocratic feast, where a large porcelain bowl from China is surrounded by a group of enthusiastic foreigners. This exquisite bowl, brimming with fine wine, has the guests, with a gentle buzz, marveling at its contents. On closer inspection, the characters, and narratives from the Chinese classical opera masterpiece "The West Chamber" adorn the circumference of the bowl. Fast forward about three hundred years, and this porcelain masterpiece with the name "Famille Rose Outlined Figure Porcelain Bowl with Stories from 'The West Chamber' from the Qianlong Period (1735-1796) during the Qing Dynasty." reemerges at the Guangdong Museum exhibition as a delicate cultural relic. Recently, Dong Shangde, a distinguished opera research expert and professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Sun Yat-sen University, shared insights in an interview with Yangcheng Evening News, unraveling the captivating fusion of classical Chinese literature and Chinese porcelain, from "The West Chamber" to the enchanting "porcelain of the West Chamber. #artandculture


总策划 | 杜传贵 林海利

总统筹 | 孙爱群 陈桥生

统筹执行 | 邓琼 吴小攀 朱绍杰

文 | 羊城晚报全媒体记者 文艺 朱绍杰 梁善茵 实习生 肖佳妮

视频出镜 | 董上德 阿列娜(俄罗斯)利玛窦(俄罗斯)

图 | 文三原

译 | 陈萱