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【大美广东】Guangzhou citizens enjoy outdoor activities in good weather


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-12-07 19:17

Citylife | On the afternoon of December 5, the sun was bright in Guangzhou, leading many to enjoy outdoor activities. People played tennis at Shamian tennis courts, and many photographers captured gorgeous moments beside the red wall on the site of the Peasant Movement Institute. Parents brought their kids to the children's park of Ersha Island Sports Park, and the children had fun in the amusement facilities. #citylife

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City Life | 12月5日,午后的广州阳光明媚。洒在大地上的温暖光芒让许多市民纷纷投身户外活动的怀抱。沙面网球场上一片欢声笑语,球拍挥舞间弹跳的球击出了欢快的节奏;农讲所旧址的红墙边,许多摄影爱好者寻找最美的景色,捕捉下这个绚丽的时刻;还有一些家庭带着孩子来到了二沙岛体育公园儿童乐园区,孩子们在游乐设施中尽情嬉戏,欢笑声响彻云霄。

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