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Video | Acting Consul General of Pakistan in Guangzhou: China's achievement in economic development makes the country fascinating and impressive
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:付怡、周巍、黎杰文 发表时间:2023-12-01 23:18

When we think of Pakistan, the first word that comes to mind is "iron friends", which means committed friends in Chinese. Pakistan's friendship with China is widely recognised among Chinese people. As a country deeply involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, Pakistan has reaped multiple dividends and achieved great economic and social development.

Sardar Muhammad, the Acting Consul General of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Guangzhou, has been working and living in Guangzhou for almost a year. He enjoys exploring Guangdong and learning about China, and has unique insights into Sino-Pakistani interactions and multi-disciplinary cooperation between Guangdong and Pakistan.

In a recent exclusive interview with Yangcheng Evening News, Sardar Muhammad said that China's achievement in economic development and transformation makes the country fascinating and impressive.

Meet with Mr Sardar Muhammad in this exclusive interview video.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News

视频制作|黎杰文 实习生 温颖 刘子丹
责编 | 王楠
校对 | 刘博宇