【大美广东】The unique delicacy of Chaozhou
There is a saying that “the land shapes its people.” In Chaozhou, the land nurtures paddy, which can be transformed into a myriad of delicacies. The sea provides fresh flavors, bringing together countless culinary treasures. Thus, Chaozhou developed a unique flavor profile that suits the taste of its people. #LingnanCuisine
人们常说: “一方水土养一方人。”在潮州,同样是土地,这里能滋养稻谷,化作万千美食;同样是大海,这里能馈赠鲜味,交汇无尽珍馐。从而形成独具潮州风味、符合潮州人口味的一日三餐。
The five bronze Chinese zodiac animal heads reunited in the Old Summer Palace