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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud

【大美广东】Hua E Building in Dabu Meizhou

大美岭南 | 梅州大埔花萼楼:花开常棣 萼发青云

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:牛智杰 魏琴 陈狄青 戴梅芬 戴肇琼 发表时间:2023-10-11 20:06

TheGreatBeautyofLingnan In Meizhou, Guangdong Province, beside the Meitan River, there is an imposing building that features a circular enclosure, earthen walls, and gray tiles, telling people its long history. From the air, the building is big outside and small inside, with double rings surrounding each other, and is round like a calyx (Hua E in Chinese). Taking the meaning of brothers and neighbors loving each other, the building is named “Hua E Building”. Every year on the third day of the first lunar month, the villagers gather in the Building to celebrate and pray for blessings. During the celebration, two rows of tables for eight people are set up on the patio. Colorful flags are displayed inside the building with incense and fog, and people pray together for all the best and happiness of their families in the new year.

鹅卵石见沧桑 戴梅芬 摄

花萼楼的节庆气氛 陈狄青 摄

花萼楼的夜 戴肇琼 摄

花萼之美 戴梅芬 摄

田园牧歌  戴梅芬 摄

秩序之美 戴梅芬 摄




文丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 牛智杰

图丨陈狄青 戴梅芬 戴肇琼