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【大美广东】The Maoming Bohe Fishing Port: A life routine changing with tides

茂名博贺渔港:潮涨张网 潮退而歌

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-09-26 20:53

The eighth month of the Chinese lunar calendar is the season of fish and shrimp. Millions of fishing boats compete to set sail to the South China Sea to bring back a cabin full of shrimp and crab. In the southwest of Guangdong, there is a fishing port with a history of thousands of years – the Bohe Fishing Port in Dianbai, Maoming. The port is rich in lobsters, prawns, sea cucumbers. It is the largest fishing port in Guangdong and one of the top ten fishing ports in China. The cultural heritage of the Maritime Silk Road has made the port famous. With a long blast of the steam whistle, a new giant ship is about to split the waves and sail to the sea.



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