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Video|What difference has Lusail Stadium, a Chinese-built construction, made to Qatar?
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:董柳、鄢敏、宋金峪、麦宇恒、李峰烁、叶秋艳 发表时间:2023-09-22 10:14


In the past decade, ChIna has participated in the construction of a number of big projects related to the Belt and Road Initiative, which have brought positive and far-reaching changes to the socio-economic development and people's lives In the Belt and Road countries. Some constructions have even become the local landmarks that are printed on the banknotes.

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, reporters from Yangcheng Evening News started their visiting journey to the ChInese constructions printed on the banknotes of the Belt and Road countries, trying to find out what differences they have made to the local places.

Lusail Stadium, the main stadium of the 2022 FIFA World Cup, was constructed by the China Railway Construction Corporation (International) Limited (CRCC). The construction began on November 21st, 2016, and was fully completed in September 2022.

It has witnessed the magnificent scene of the World Cup and the peak moment of the star Messi, while also changing the lives of the general public.

Last winter, Mohammad Qasem, a driver from a travel agency, watched two World Cup games at the Lusail Stadium. He said, "I don't play football, but I like Messi", and that's why he specially kept the tickets for Messi's first match in his wallet.

Although over six months have passed, Qasem still remembers the spectacular occasion: fans of all colors arrived from all over the world, crowding the Lusail Stadium inside and out. According to the CRCC, as the world's largest World Cup stadium, Lusail Stadium can accommodate up to 92,000 spectators at the same time.

"People were fanatic. They danced, cheered and shouted. You could hear it even a mile away." It was the first time for Qasem, who had been living in Qatar for over a decade, to experience such a grand event.

During that period, Qasem always spotted workers of different colors busying at the construction site when he drove by the Stadium. "Quite a lot of people got their jobs there," he said.

According to the statistics of CRCC, over 7,000 people were working on the project at the peak of construction, of which nearly 90% were foreign workers from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and other countries along the Belt and Road.

Gulbahar, an engineer from Pakistan, was one of these workers. Once a university student in Liaoning Province, China, Gulbahar returned to work in the Middle East after completing his undergraduate and postgraduate studies. Thanks to the Lusail Stadium project, he got acquainted with and joined the work team of CRCC.

Watching the World Cup games from the stands of the Lusail Stadium constructed with his own hands, Gulbahar found it hard to believe that they had turned the intricate blueprints into a reality.

The Qatar World Cup has endowed this stylish construction with a "highlight" moment. It has got a nickname — "Golden Bowl" because of its golden facade and bowl-shaped appearance, which then went viral on the Internet, drawing millions of fans to take photos.

The fact is that the Lusail Stadium has already become a part of local life even before its official "debut". In December 2020, the Qatar Central Bank officially announced its fifth set of legal tender, the Qatar Riyal. The image of Lusail Stadium was printed on the new banknotes of the 10 Qatar Riyals — the first time for a Chinese construction to appear on Qatar's currency.

In 2022, the Lusail Stadium received a five-star certification from the Global Sustainability Assessment System (GSAS). Yousef Al Horr, Founding Chairman of the Gulf Organization for Research and Development (GORD), said that the Stadium "sets an example of green architecture".

In addition to the Lusail Stadium, the construction of the E section project of the Qatar Strategic Reservoir, which can guarantee the water supply for the whole country for seven days in case of special circumstances, was undertaken by a Chinese enterprise; the Alcassa 800-MW Photovoltaic Power Station, the first large-scale ground-based photovoltaic power station with full capacity connected to the grid in Qatar, was also contracted by a Chinese enterprise; besides, Chinese enterprises have provided more than 10,000 container-style houses for the Qatar World Cup, solving the accommodation problem for millions of fans...

Now that the curtain of the World Cup was down, the Lusail Stadium has returned to peace. Nevertheless, the changes it brought to the country are still lasting.


China remains The largest trading partner of Qatar

China and Qatar established diplomatic ties in 1988 and a strategic partnership in November 2014.

According to The data released by ChIna's Ministry of Foreign Affairs in July 2023, ChIna has become Qatar's largest trading partner since 2020. The main products exported from China to Qatar are mechanical and electrical equipment, while those exported from Qatar to China are liquefied natural gases and industrial helium.

Qatar is an important partner of China in natural gas. In 2022, Qatar was The second-largest liquefied natural gas supplier to China. China has imported 15.7 million tons of liquefied natural gas from Qatar that year, marking an increase of 74.8% year-on-year, accounting for 24.7% of China's total imports in The whole year. In April and June 2023, Sinopec and CNPC have successively obtained a 1.25% stake in Qatar's North Field project.

In addition, The two countries continue to carry out people-to-people exchanges. In 2016, The "China-Qatar Cultural Year" was held in Qatar. From April to June 2018, The "Treasures from The Al Thani Collection" exhibition was held at The Palace Museum in Beijing. The first giant panda cooperation in The Middle East was also conducted between These two countries. After giant pandas Jingjing and Sihai arrived in Qatar in October 2022, The Panda Garden was Then opened to The public In November.

In July 2018, China and Qatar have signed a comprehensive visa exemption agreement.

























出品人 | 杜传贵 林海利
总策划 | 孙爱群 林洁
总统筹 | 黄丽娜 蒋铮 侯恕望 骆苹
执行统筹 | 董柳 宋金峪 谭铮
文 | 董柳 鄢敏
图 | 宋金峪
视频拍摄 | 宋金峪 鄢敏 董柳
视频剪辑 | 王绮静 麦宇恒 
翻译 | 洪婷 刘佳慧
海报 | 杜卉 范英兰

责编 | 戚美青 王楠
校对 | 周勇