This summer, "Citywalk" tours are becoming a trend thanks to the rise of "micro-tourism" modes such as short-haul and small-scale local tours in recent years.
Data suggests that in June of this year, orders for "Citywalk" have increased more than fivefold year-on-year, with related products in Shanghai, Beijing, Xi'an, Changsha, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Qingdao, and other places becoming popular. Data from Xiaohongshu (a Chinese social media and e-commerce platform) shows that in the first half of 2023, the number of "Citywalk" related searches on the platform increased by more than 30 times compared to last year. Meanwhile, videos with the "Citywalk" tag on Douyin (Chinese TikTok) have been played more than 260 million times.
Unlike traditional travel, "Citywalk" eliminates the necessity of extensive planning, research, and preparation beforehand. Instead, people can leisurely and freely explore the city at their own pace, without feeling rushed or stressed. This travel style embodies the unique spiritual pursuits and life attitudes of Generation Z, demonstrating their carefree manner and appreciation for unexpected experiences.
As people's spiritual needs continue to rise, they are no longer satisfied with cursory sightseeing but place increasing emphasis on the sense of interaction and experience during the journey. With "Citywalk", people immerse themselves in the unique cultural atmosphere of different places, make local friends, and deepen their understanding of the city.
Meanwhile, speculators have sniffed out commercial opportunities in the "Citywalk" trend. Institutions or individuals offer paid "Citywalk" products by organizing activities or personal tours to provide services such as event planning, guided tours, and social interaction with prices ranging from tens to hundreds of yuan.
Most "Citywalk" products take around two to three hours, but there are also full-day deep explorations available. The group size is usually 6-10 people with distinctive routes. For instance, one of the most popular tours in Shanghai – "Citywalk" on Wukang Road – combines cultural landscapes and features of famous residences. Similarly, the "Citywalk" in Guangzhou's Shamian district leads tourists to observe historical buildings and taste local food. From the demand side, a significant proportion of the booking crowd comprises young travellers, with around 40% of users under 30 years of age, who often travel in groups of friends or classmates.
Opinions about "Citywalk" become polarized when it transitions from a free to a paid product. Those who believe in free experiences argue that it is unnecessary to pay for "Citywalk" for it is simply a stroll through the city. However, for industry workers and advocates, paid "Citywalks" are more than just a walk as they offer an opportunity to learn about the city's culture, history, and even social dynamics. Paying for "Citywalks" is a way to deeply connect with and understand the city.
To further the growth of paid "Citywalk", it is crucial to enhance the quality of the product. According to a service company director, simply offering sightseeing walks falls short of meeting the future demands of customers. Professional guides are also essential for improving the quality of the product. With the guidance and expertise of professionals, travellers can gain a deeper understanding of the history and culture behind the city's buildings and attractions. Additionally, incorporating interactive elements into "Citywalk" products can enhance the overall travel experience.
越来越多中国年轻人爱上City Walk
近年来,短距离、小规模的本地游等“微度假”模式逐渐成为主流。City Walk这一旅游形式和今夏的气温一样“热度”十足。
数据显示,今年6月,City Walk订单量同比增长超5倍,上海、北京、西安、长沙、杭州、成都、青岛等多地相关产品受青睐。小红书数据显示,2023年上半年平台上City Walk的相关搜索量同比增长超30倍。而抖音上带有City Walk标签的视频播放量超过了2.6亿次。
同时,City Walk火了,让一部分人嗅到了商机。一些机构或个人以组织活动、个人导游等方式提供付费City Walk产品,价格从数十元到上百元不等,提供组织活动、参观讲解、社交互动等服务。
City Walk产品大多两三小时,也有深度探访的一日行程,成团人数通常为6-10人,人数较少,线路特色鲜明,如上海最受欢迎的产品之一武康路City Walk,兼具人文景观、名人故居特色;广州沙面片区的City Walk,带领游客参观历史建筑、品尝当地美食。从需求侧来看,预订人群很大一部分为年轻旅客,约四成用户年龄低于30岁,多为朋友同学结伴而行。
当City Walk变成一种付费产品,消费者的看法也出现两极分化。对于支持免费的人而言,City Walk原本就是城市漫步,没必要付费体验。而对于从业者和支持者而言,付费City Walk并不只是单纯的“Walk”,其本质是为文化、知识甚至是社交功能付费,是深度融入和阅读城市的方式。
付费City Walk要继续发展,产品质量的提高至关重要。相关服务公司负责人分析,未来走马观花式的漫步已不能满足需求,专业向导是提升质量的关键,在专业向导的讲解和带领下,旅行者可以更好地了解城市建筑物、景点背后的历史与文化。此外,在City Walk产品中融入互动元素也可丰富旅行体验度。
文|羊城晚报全媒体记者 莫谨榕 李志文
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