【大美广东】Shanwei, Guangdong: Majestic Beauty of Heaven and Earth, Abundance in Land and Sea
广东汕尾:天地美 海陆丰
#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Shanwei City is located on the southeastern coast of Guangdong Province, at the southern foot of Lotus Hill, on the eastern bank of the Pearl River Delta. Shanwei boasts stunning scenery and is renowned as the golden coastline of eastern Guangdong tourism. The city blends and integrates the cultures of Minnan, Chaoshan, Hakka, and Guangdong, giving rise to a distinctive "Hailufeng Culture". Come and enjoy the beautiful views of Shanwei and experience the charm of Hailufeng!
拍摄/羊城晚报全媒体记者 林桂炎 周巍
剪辑/羊城晚报全媒体记者 王烔勋