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【大美广东】Dengtang Town in Chao'an, Chaozhou: Surrounded by green mountains

潮州潮安登塘镇:倚山环翠 潮乐袅袅

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-08-01 18:32

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong As you step into Dengtang Town in Chao'an District, Chaozhou City, you can immerse yourself in the melodious rhythm of traditional Chaozhou music and savor the exquisite taste of tea while admiring the breathtaking scenery. Why not come and visit Dengtang? You can take in the mystical beauty of the misty mountains and meandering rivers and experience the idyllic paradise where nature and tranquil rural life blend harmoniously.





文、视频剪辑/羊城晚报全媒体记者 牛智杰 魏琴
