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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
66 overseas Chinese youths gather in Guangzhou to 'seek roots'
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:谭铮 发表时间:2024-08-01 19:29

On July 31st, 2024, the "Roots-seeking Journey in China" summer camp commenced at the College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University . 66 young participants from the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, and Canada gathered in Guangzhou along with their team leaders, embarking on a 10-day journey to explore their ancestral roots.

The summer camp is organized by the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese , hosted by the Guangdong Province Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese , and co-organized by the College of Chinese Language and Culture at Jinan University. The organizers expressed their hope that participants will trace the footsteps of their ancestors, learn about Lingnan culture, and witness the social and technological developments in Guangdong. They encourage the campers to share their experiences and stories of Chinese culture with their families and friends back home, acting as ambassadors of goodwill and promoting greater understanding of China and Guangdong, thereby contributing to a more harmonious world.

The summer camp focuses on Lingnan culture, featuring activities that highlight the elements of Lingnan and the unique characteristics of Guangdong. The participants will visit renowned schools, historic town of overseas Chinese , and leading enterprises in Guangdong, experiencing the vibrant Lingnan culture and the distinctive charm of Guangdong's technological advancements.

Source :Yangcheng Evening News


7月31日, 2024“中国寻根之旅”夏令营在暨南大学华文学院正式开营。来自美国、英国、法国、比利时、加拿大等国的66名营员及领队相聚羊城,共同开启为期10天的寻根之旅。



文、图 | 记者 谭铮 通讯员 乔萱
译 | 郑圣浩
英文审校 | 赵凡