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Forum on Building up China's Cultural Strength 2024: Guests discuss new opportunities in the GBA
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:孙磊、曾育文 发表时间:2024-05-26 12:57

During the Sub-Forum on Cultural Strength and Development Opportunities of the Greater Bay Area on May 24th, the attending guests discussed the fruitful achievements and development prospects of the cultural strength of the GBA.

Since the implementation of the "Outline of the Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" (hereinafter referred to as the "Outline") five years ago, the cultural soft power of the GBA has significantly strengthened. What was once a small fishing village named Shenzhen has now become a modern metropolis towering over Asia and facing the world. In addition, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge spans the sea, connecting the three regions.

Huo Qigang, a delegate of the National People's Congress, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, and Chairman of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, has firsthand experience of the changes in the GBA. "When I was young, during my family trip to Zhongshan, we had to go to Macao first and then reach Zhongshan, which took almost a day. Now my children can depart from Hong Kong and arrive at many places in the GBA within an hour."

He Youjun (Mario Ho), Chairman and CEO of NIP Group, observes the extraordinary vitality displayed by the GBA in recent years from the aggregation and flow of high-quality elements. "The advantages of the open financial markets in Hong Kong and Macao, extensive international connections, and developed professional services are rapidly merging with the vast Chinese mainland market, complete industrial system, and increasingly strong technological capabilities. This accumulation of quantity is gradually transforming into a qualitative change, creating formidable opportunities of the era."

At the forum, many guests discussed the cultural continuity within the GBA. The 11 GBA cities share interconnected cultures and stories.

"There is a close and diverse cultural connection among the cities in the GBA, with deep historical roots and a solid foundation for artistic exchange," said Xu Qinsong, consultant of the Chinese Artists Association and researcher at the China National Academy of Arts.

"The folk cultures on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are closely linked, deeply rooted in every temple, every incense, and every devout worshipper's heart," noted Yang Du, a renowned writer and Secretary-General of the General Association of Chinese Culture (GACC) in Taiwan province, emphasizing the need to understand the communities of Taiwan province with empathy.

During the tea break, a female Yingge dance group portrayed the heroic spirit of "women are no less than men" with coordinated and vigorous movements. The discussions on how to promote the creative transformation and innovative development of traditional culture, and to help outstanding Chinese traditional culture "go global", were also hot topics among the guests.

Lin Qingxi, Honorary Curator of the Overseas Chinese Documents Branch of Shantou Archives, believes that to tell the stories of overseas Chinese, Guangdong, and China, it is essential to organize and utilize precious historical materials and the letters of overseas Chinese.

"Technological advancements have revolutionized literary creation methods, but the humanistic spirit remains unchanged," noted renowned writer and playwright He Jiping. She suggested that the combination of Chinese mainland culture with Hong Kong and Macao cultures can produce many excellent works. By incorporating the scientific and international perspectives of Hong Kong culture into the unique Lingnan culture, we can create cultural and artistic works about the GBA, promoting the commercialization and industrialization of more literary and artistic works.

Source:Yangcheng Evening News












文|记者 孙磊
图|记者 曾育文
翻译 | 刘佳慧