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【大美广东】Let's welcome dancers from the Guangdong Pharmaceutical University GYC Crew!

舞浪·潮起丨看广东药科大学GYC Crew如何Groove Your Cell

来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-10-11 20:06

The shocking rhythm plays blood and passion, and the dynamic drum beats light up friendship and happiness. The concept described in the aforementioned line is the origin of the name of GYC Crew from Guangdong Pharmaceutical University - Groove Your Cell. In the 2023 O'MA College League, they have incorporated the same concept into their performance. Check it out!

震撼的节奏奏响热血与激情,动感的鼓点点亮友情与快乐,这是来自广东药科大学(Guangdong Pharmaceutical University)的GYC Crew的名字来源——Groove Your Cell。在我和湾区一起舞——“舞浪·潮起”2023湾区青少年街舞表演赛(2023 O’MA College League),他们把这个理念贯彻融入了表演之中,一起来看看吧!