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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
150 key tourist attractions in Guangdong welcome 3.19 M visitors in a single day
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:刘星彤 发表时间:2023-10-01 23:55

On the second day of the 2023 Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, 150 key tourist attractions in Guangdong collectively welcomed an astounding 3.19 million visitors. This figure marks a 5% increase compared to 2019, signaling a fervor for travel throughout the province!

According to preliminary estimates for September 30th, 2023 (the second day of the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays), the monitored 150 key tourist attractions in the province received 3.19 million visitors, an astonishing 89.2% increase year-on-year (all figures are comparable), with a 5.1% growth compared to 2019. Furthermore, 419.9 million visitors flocked to 4A-rated and above tourist attractions in the province, marking a 77.3% surge compared to the previous year.

Notably, 14 segments along the ancient post roads received 565,000 tourists, a remarkable increase of 103.0% in tourist numbers, with a 6.5% growth compared to 2019. Meanwhile, 13 iconic red tourism destinations hosted 43,000 visitors, marking a 36.0% increase year-on-year, and an 8.3% surge compared to 2019. Additionally, 100 rural tourism spots and historic villages hosted 377,000 visitors, representing a 38.1% year-on-year increase, and 75 key public cultural institutions recorded 301,000 visitors, marking a 33.8% year-on-year growth.

In Qingyuan, a wide array of cultural and tourism activities such as hot springs, mountain climbing, exploration, rafting, and camping were offered to meet the leisure demands of holidaymakers during the holidays. Public libraries and cultural centers in the city continued to offer free access, further igniting the tourism market's vitality.

Meanwhile, in Shantou, the "Bright Moon – Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day" garden party at the Small Park captivated the audience with captivating performances, including Chaoshan songs, Chaoshan children's rhymes, excerpts from Chao opera, ensemble performances on the guzheng, and local martial arts. This event has attracted nearly 80,000 local residents and tourists.

In Zhanjiang's Xiashan District, expertly organized and curated artistic performances provided a splendid journey through the region's rich history and culture for the city's residents.

The Zhuhai Grand Theater hosted "Dream of the Red Chamber Reimagined – A Cello Solo by Li Chuiyi." The highlight of the evening is a classic score from the 1987 "Dream of the Red Chamber Suite" by renowned Chinese composer Wang Liping and an adaptation of a "Cello Fantasia of Dream of the Red Chamber" by Hong Kong musician Huang Xueyang. The performance also included the simultaneous screening of a short film directed by the Hong Kong Film Awards-winning director Bi Guozhi, offering the audience a completely immersive artistic experience.

To ensure the orderly operation of a safe cultural tourism market, a total of 2,453 law enforcement personnel were deployed throughout the province. They conducted inspections at 290 internet service providers, 246 entertainment venues, 11 performance venues, 90 travel agencies and their branches, 12 tourist groups, and 181 tourist attractions, identifying and settling 17 safety production issues.




纳入监测的14段古驿道沿线重点区域接待游客56.5万人次,同比增长103.0%,较2019年增长6.5%;纳入监测的13家红色旅游经典景区接待游客4.3万人次,同比增长36.0%,较2019年增长8.3%;纳入监测的100个乡村旅游点和历史古村落接待37.7万人次, 同比增长38.1%;纳入监测的75个重点公共文化机构接待30.1万人次,同比增长33.8%。


汕头市在小公园举办的“潮风生明月 四海共婵娟”迎中秋庆国庆游园晚会持续精彩,热情高涨的人们津津有味地欣赏着潮语歌曲、潮汕童谣、潮剧名段、古筝合奏、本土武术等节目,已吸引近8万市民游客打卡游玩。




文 | 记者 刘星彤 通讯员 粤文旅宣
图 | 景区提供
译 | 刘佳慧