New ways for camping! English-speaking bazaar held in Guangzhou Pearl River Park
  • 来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南
  • 作者:符畅
  • 发表时间:2023-05-30 23:44

"Hello, come and look at my good stuff!" On May 28th, a group of "little tourists" gathered in Guangzhou Pearl River Park, making the "sale" in fluent English. On the spot, the shouting of "Big sale!" could be heard everywhere.

This English-speaking bazaar, also known as "Children's Canton Fair", is one of Pearl River Park's "stall" plans and sci-tech activities for celebrating Children's Day. Sixty families have formed separate teams to participate in the activity, achieving both parent-child interaction and bilingual education through setting up stalls, educational camping and shopping with smart robots.

On the lawn, the children have set up colorful tents and cardboard signs with the information of the goods written on them in English, from funny candies, teddy bears, and model cars to hand-painted pictures. They have shown their familiarity with "sales exhibition" by skillfully soliciting customers and maintaining their stalls.

Besides the little stall owners, there were also the little "buyers". To promote the virtue of frugality, every "product" in the bazaar was priced and sold all by the children themselves.

In fact, "bazaars" are rather common all around the world. From the fancy flea market in foreign countries, the "market day" for selling vegetables and fruits in China, to the world-renowned "Canton Fair", all are essentially social venues for people to get together, socialize and trade, during which they can also exchange valuable information and experience the changes in supply and demand.

Each person should buy ten yuan worth of stuff to get a "pass", according to the set of "rules" of the activity, said the manager. "Through the interesting transaction, kids will gradually understand the principle of equivalent exchange. And we have noticed that they are all trying hard to buy and sell in English. During this process, we also try to teach them knowledge in finance and foreign trade bilingually, so that they can be more in line with the world. We also hope that their IQ and EQ can both be improved in a happy childhood."

In addition to the park bazaar, there was also a "walking English class", in which the children could study while strolling along the greenway in the park and embracing nature. "What kind of things go out of the country to the world?" asked the teacher. "Panda!" "Clothes and shoes." "Mobile phone." On the small bridge above the running river, the children scrambled to answer.

In the upcoming days, there will be a series of fantastic activities kicking off in the Pearl River Park, including a parents-child eco-fashion competition, a public lecture on the intangible cultural heritage dragon and lion dance and a class for paper-folding technique, while the Bay Area Reading Room will also be opened. Citizens and tourists can come to enjoy a "culture feast" on a hot summer's day.


"Hello, come and look at my good stuff!" 5月28日,广州珠江公园里迎来了一群“小游客”,他们用熟练的英语口语,完成一笔又一笔“买卖”,现场直呼:"Big sale!"






除了妙趣横生的公园集市,孩子们还沿着珠江公园的绿荫小道边学边游,在拥抱大自然中上一堂“行走的英语课”。"What kind of things go out of the country to the world?""Panda!""Clothes and shoes.""Mobile phone."小桥流水之上,指导老师向孩子们提问,争先恐后地抢答让课堂感染力十足。


文丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 符畅 实习生 卢佳圳 通讯员 黄颖玲

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