【雲上嶺南】Ms. Moira Tan Siew See, head of Malaysia’s Winter Olympic delegation, has become a fan of Eileen Gu


  • 来源:羊城晚报
  • 发表时间:2022-02-14 17:52

Although there are few natural snow and ice resources in Malaysia, this has not stopped people’s love of ice and snow sports. This is the first time Malaysia has sent athletes to alpine skiing events. The head of Malaysia’s Winter Olympic delegation said she has become a fan of Chinese ski champion Eileen Gu and China has become another hometown for Chinese Malaysians.

陈秀丝(左二)与国际奥委会主席巴赫(右二)合影  (马来西亚奥委会冯晚豪供图)


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