The “Jumbo pipe organ” is the treasure of the Xinghai Concert Hall, with a weight of 40 tons and a height of about three floors. It was one of the biggest organs in Asia when it was built. Because of its magnificent sound and the thousands of shining tubes, it has become an Internet-famous concert hall for romantic Guangdongers. As a symbol of Guangzhou city's culture, The 2021 X Infinity Concert was held in the concert hall this year, inspiring people with music. It alsomadethe general public swim in the sea of music and art.
“巨无霸”管风琴是星海音乐厅的“镇馆之宝”,重40吨,高约三层楼,建成时是全亚洲最大的管风琴,其壮丽而闪耀的几千根音管,成为浪漫的广东人打卡音乐厅的首选。今年, 作为广州城市文化地标,星海音乐厅举办了2021无限音乐会,让音乐和艺术广泛而深入地走进人们的日常生活。