【岭南文脉】文化地标串珠成链 “走读”广东有了新选择

来源:金羊网 作者:黎存根、粤文旅宣、林桂炎 发表时间:2021-02-26 23:01
金羊网  作者:黎存根、粤文旅宣、林桂炎  2021-02-26

文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 黎存根 通讯员 粤文旅宣

视频/羊城晚报全媒体记者 林桂炎

【岭南文脉】文化地标串珠成链 “走读”广东有了新选择





[Lingnan context] cultural landmarks in a string of beads, Guangdong has a new choice for visiting

During the past Spring Festival holiday, thousands of tourists visited the historical and cultural trails of Guangdong. These 70 routes cover 21 cities in Guangdong, connecting 533 historical, cultural and tourism resources. Crisscross the past and the present, connected by mountains and seas, and echoed by Humanities The historical and cultural tourism path is the key work for Guangdong to build a new development pattern and promote the integration and innovation of culture and tourism.

The creation and release of the historical and cultural tour path of Guangdong provides a new choice for tourists to "read" Guangdong, pursue history and "understand" Guangdong.

At present, the culture and Tourism Department of Guangdong has formed a tourism development mode of government guidance and social participation, actively promoting the major travel agencies in Guangdong to develop historical and cultural tourism route products, so that the majority of tourists can truly "step on the upstream route, experience the route and fall in love with the route".

The video in this paper introduces the general situation of the former site of Guangdong Provincial College of Arts and Sciences, which is selected as the research base of educational history in South China.

(实习生 杨心玥 协助翻译)

编辑: 宝厷