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【大美广东】Zhaoqing: experience "the Reclining Buddha Embracing the Sunset Glow"


来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 发表时间:2023-09-19 21:27

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong The Xinghu Scenic Spot in Zhaoqing City is renowned for its stunning natural phenomenon called the "Reclining Buddha Embracing the Sunset Glow". The "Reclining Buddha" phenomenon refers to a topographical feature consisting of several rocky peaks lying supine on the picturesque Xianyu Lake, resembling a lively reclining Buddha. During the spring and autumn equinoxes, as the sun sets, it seems like sinks into the "mouth" of the "Reclining Buddha" and blends with the twilight on the horizon, thus creating an awe-inspiring sight known as "the Reclining Buddha Embracing the Sunset Glow". On September 16 at 5 p.m., many people, including citizens, astronomy enthusiasts, photographers, and internet celebrities, gathered at Xinghu National Wetland Park to witness this incredible celestial phenomenon.


“卧佛含丹”是肇庆市星湖旅游景区在特定节气和地理位置形成的一种天象奇观。每年春分、秋分时节晴天的傍晚,夕阳缓缓下坠进入“星湖卧佛”口中,与天边的数缕彩霞银光交相辉映,呈现出震撼人心的 “卧佛含丹”天象奇观……9月16日下午5时许,来自四面八方的市民群众、天文爱好者、摄影爱好者和网红达人等近千人汇聚星湖国家湿地公园观佛岛,沉浸式体验了这一天象奇观背后丰富的人文内涵。

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