If people who buy Hermès bags have generally achieved "financial freedom", then people who eat "Hermès of Lychees" have generally achieved "lychee freedom". The so-called "Hermès of Lychees" is not from Paris, France, but originally from Zengcheng, China. Follow Sofia, a stringer for Glamorous Lingnan/Record GBA, to Zengcheng and savor the natural lychees.
如果说背着爱马仕包包的人一般都实现了“财富自由”,那么能吃上“荔枝界的爱马仕”的人一般也实现了“荔枝自由”。所谓“荔枝界的爱马仕”,不是来自法国巴黎,而是原产于中国增城。跟随Glamorous Lingnan/Record GBA的特约记者Sofia,来这个中国荔枝之乡,一探它的“天生荔质”。
文案 | 古司祺、王楠
视频剪辑 | 黎杰文