A zero-carbon future painted by global youth
On the afternoon of March 25, the award ceremony of the 2022 My Storyboard Competition of GD Youth Link and the launch ceremony of the 2023 competition were held at Guangdong.
The theme of the 2022 competition is "The Green Future", and it is held in China and other countries. The event aims to call young people's attention to the environment and nature production, and build a better world where "people and nature live in harmony".
The international section, which was co-sponsored by Yangcheng Evening News and Guangdong People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, was supported by sister cities of Guangdong, friendship cities, and international friendship organizations. It received more than 2,000 works from 13 countries and regions, including Australia, Russia, Canada, and Malaysia, and over 400 of them were awarded.
Umrikhina Ekaterina, a participant from Russia, lives in the city of Blagoveshchensk on the Russian-Chinese border. She presented environment protection projects of the Heihe River and Blagoveshchensk in her storyboard. "I want to live on a clean planet, enjoying rainbows, rain, snow and brilliant sunshine. The future depends on each of us, and for that we need to develop a sense of ecological culture, so I created the work on the theme of'The Amur River - a River of Friendship'."
According to a contestant from Lisbon, Portugal, it is really interesting to draw with her friends, and she has broadened her horizons and gained a deeper understanding of environmental protection through online communication.
On the day of the award ceremony, the launch ceremony of the 2023 competition was also held. The theme of the 2023 competition will be "The Diversity of Life", and it will continue to happen in China and other countries. Under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative, the 2023 event will promote public welfare education for the global youth, and invite young people across the world to discuss the protection and development of global biodiversity, the achievements of natural ecological protection, and the bright future of human and nature living harmony.
3月25日下午,羊城晚报第二十八届手抄报创作大赛(国内赛区)“百旺杯”华语手抄报大赛暨(国际赛区)广东国际青少年交流系列活动GD Youth Link之My Storyboard Competition举行了2022年大赛颁奖礼和2023年启动仪式。
2022年,大赛以“绿色发展 零碳未来——The Green Future”为主题,开设国内和国际赛区,鼓励青少年关注环境、保护自然,共建“人与自然和谐共生”的美好家园。
俄罗斯的选手Umrikhina Ekaterina住在中俄边境的布拉戈维申斯克市,她在手抄报中展示了黑河和布拉戈维申斯克的环境项目。她说:“我想生活在一个干净的星球上,享受彩虹、雨、白雪和灿烂的阳光。未来取决于我们每个人,为此我们需要培养出一种生态文化意识,所以我以《阿穆尔河是友谊的河》为主题创作了手抄报。”(笔者注:黑龙江流经蒙古、中国、俄罗斯的亚洲大河之一,位于亚洲东北部。蒙语称哈拉穆河,俄语称阿穆尔河。)
活动当天还举行了2023年度大赛启动仪式。今年,大赛以“生物多样性 The Diversity of Life”为主题,继续设置国内、国际双赛区,沿“一带一路”推动国际青少年公益教育,邀请海内外青少年群体共同探讨全球生物多样性的保护与发展、自然生态保护成果,以及人与自然和谐相处的美好未来。
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