If you go to Pingyuan County, Meizhou, you can see navel oranges hanging on the branches all over the mountains. They are round and full in shape and golden in color, tickling people’s taste buds. Pingyuan navel orange is known as “the king of oranges” for its crisp, sweet and delicious taste. A chef in Guangzhou has created a fruit cake with Pingyuan navel oranges, using a cake to explore their unique flavor. Come and check it out!
去到现今的梅州平远县,可以看到漫山遍野的脐橙挂满枝头,个个圆润饱满、色泽金黄,让人看着垂涎三尺。平远脐橙肉质脆嫩、鲜甜可口,素有 “橙中之王”的美誉。广州的一位行政副总厨用平远脐橙为原料,做了一个水果蛋糕,用一个蛋糕发掘平远脐橙的独特风味,快来一探究竟吧!