
来源:金羊网 作者:刘星彤 粤文旅宣 姜雪媛 曾育文 单宇 发表时间:2021-03-16 23:44
金羊网  作者:刘星彤 粤文旅宣 姜雪媛 曾育文 单宇  2021-03-16

文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 刘星彤 通讯员 粤文旅宣 

视频/羊城晚报全媒体记者 邓勃 宋金峪 姜雪媛 曾育文 实习生 单宇


In recent years, with its profound background, the development of “The Night-time Economy" in Guangdong Province has been in the forefront of the country. The charm of “Night-time Guangdong" was no longer the typical impression of snack stalls, but opened up an advanced and unique approach of presenting the “Night-time Economy” with diverse industries — from modern lighting shows and evening musical parties, to art performance with traditional cultural elements, from Night performance in local parks and amusement parks, to museums, and 24 hours bookstore. The “Night-time Economy” with Guangdong folk elements, has not only became a new way to facilitate tourism, but also reshaped the format of Guangdong night tourism.

