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云上岭南 Lingnan on the Cloud
Video | Revive Muodao Mountain Men with digital tech! Latest milestone in early Lingnan origin-tracing revealed
来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南 作者:文艺、朱绍杰、周欣怡、梁喻、潘俊华、方可茵、黎杰文、王楠 发表时间:2024-06-02 22:13

On June 2nd, the exhibition showcasing the latest milestone in the early Lingnan origin-tracingproject and the commemoration of the tenth anniversary of archaeological excavations at the Muodao Mountain site was held in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province.

Themed "Journey through Muodao Mountain to Trace the Origins of Lingnan", the event focused on the early Lingnan origin-tracingproject, presentingits interim achievements.The documentary film "AcrossMount MoDao", which employed digital technology to revive the ancient "Muodao Mountain Men", was premiered.

News from the event revealed that, duringthe archaeological investigations in the Nanjiang watershed area surrounding the Muodao Mountain site in 2023, 30 Paleolithic sites werenewly discovered, including caves and locations with animal fossils. Over the past decade, more than 130 Paleolithic sites (locations) have been discovered in the Nanjiang watershed area, dating from the early to late Paleolithic period. This further confirms that the Nanjiang watershed is the only region within the province suitable for systematical researchof the earliest inhabitants of Guangdong and their culture.

The archaeological findings from the Yanshan Village site in Yingde clearly demonstrate that the social differentiation of the Lingnan region began to accelerate no later than around 5,000 years ago. This marked the emergence of the earliest complex society in the Lingnan region while validating the existence of the "Ancient State Period" during the origin stage of Chinese civilization. Lingnan has become an indispensable and integral part of Chinese civilization, expanding our understanding of the diverse but integrated pattern of Chinese civilization.

Source: Yangcheng Evening News



本次活动以“穿越磨刀山 探寻岭南源”为主题,聚焦早期岭南探源工程重大项目,展示早期岭南探源工程阶段性成果,发布了以数字技术复原远古“磨刀山人”的《穿越磨刀山》纪录片。



文丨记者 文艺 朱绍杰 周欣怡 通讯员 粤文旅宣
视频丨记者 梁喻 潘俊华 
方可茵 黎杰文 王楠
翻译丨洪婷 杨泽楷 顾凡杰