On the evening of July 12th, the ballet drama "Legend of the White Snake" was splendidly performed at the Guangzhou Opera House.
The "Legend of the White Snake" is one of the most widely-spread and classic mythological stories in China.
For thousands of years, the story of "Legend of the White Snake" has been continuously extended and rewritten, making it a classic love legend that carries Eastern characteristics and emotional symbolism.
Tributing to the "classic IP", the new features of the ballet drama lie in not only a reshaping of the original story, but also an inheritance and promotion of Chinese traditional culture.
In terms of ballet dance (known as "art on pointe"), the ballet drama innovates the form and the implication of the dance, blending Chinese traditional dance culture with classical ballet, conveying characters' subtle psychological activities with richer and more delicate upper body movements.
On the other hand, the ballet drama also attempts to explore new ballet stages in light comedies by learning from the expressions of Sketch Shows and puppet shows, presenting Eastern culture and philosophy with a tragedy in a witty manner to create rich aesthetics.
In addition, based on the traditional narrative structure and combined with modern consciousness and expressive techniques, the drama depicts the joys and sorrows of the characters in "Legend of the White Snake" from a contemporary perspective.
At the same time, the drama, not limited to the gratitude theme of the original story, reverses the classic plot and integrates the modern virtue of "daring to take responsibility", which pushes the dramatic conflict to the extreme and improves the audiences' experience.
After its performance at the Guangzhou Opera House, the ballet drama will make its show at the Beijing Tianqiao Performing Art Center on August 5th and 6th, officially kicking off its nationwide tour in 2023.
另一方面,在已有的创作形式上,尝试借鉴 Sketch Show和偶剧的艺术表现手法,以“悲剧喜做”打造丰富的戏剧审美形态,以诙谐幽默的方式传递东方文化和东方哲学,探索芭蕾舞剧在轻喜剧类型创作上的舞台新表达。
文丨羊城晚报全媒体记者 黄宙辉 通讯员 穗文广旅宣 鲁娃