#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong The display of intangible cultural heritage on Chaozhou's Guangji Bridge, one of the four ancient bridges in China, catches the eyes of many tourists. In recent years, Chaozhou has protected and kept its intangible cultural heritages, specifically the Guangji Bridge and Guangji Gate Tower, alive in an innovative way. As a result, the bridge and the tower display a new vitality.
走上中国四大古桥之一的潮州广济桥,桥上的非遗展示吸引了众多游客的目光。近年来,潮州扎实做好文化遗产的保护工作,坚持守正创新,积极推动广济桥、广济门城楼两处文物古迹的保育活化, 让“一桥一楼”在新时代焕发新活力。
文/羊城晚报全媒体记者 李钢 陈晓楠
图/羊城晚报全媒体记者 钟振彬