Para dar as boas-vindas ao Dia Internacional da Criança, no dia 1 de Junho, realizou-se recentemente o 9ª Festival de Música 2023 no Jardim de Infância de People's North Road, no distrito de Yuexiu, em Guangzhou, onde as crianças celebraram o festival cantando canções infantis cantonesas. As canções cantonense infantiles alegres foram cantadas no campus, e as vozes das crianças transmitiam felicidade.
Remin North Road Kindergarten in Yuexiu district, Guangzhou recently celebrated Children's Day. To mark the day in a festive way, the kindergarten held its ninth music festival. The students put life into the campus by reciting Cantonese nursery rhymes at the event. This festival was a wonderful way for the kids to enjoy their holiday. #artandculture