#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong Recently, another 6 provincial-level tourist resorts, including Skov River Wonderland and 24 national 4A tourist attractions like Sunac Land in Guangzhou city, have been added to the long list of tourist attractions in Guangdong.
Guangdong now boasts 216 4A and 15 5A national scenic spots, 28 provincial holiday resorts, and 2 national tourist resorts.
As a major tourism province, Guangdong would step further to build Wanlv Lake Scenic Spot, Canton Tower, and Gulong Gorge Forest Exploration to be 5A tourist attractions.
中共三大会址纪念馆 羊城晚报全媒体记者 宋金峪 摄
佛山市美的鹭湖森林度假区 羊城晚报全媒体记者 黎存根 摄
毛泽东同志主办农民运动讲习所旧址纪念馆 郑迅 摄