【老广贺春】The flower market in Guangzhou starts a wonderful year


  • 来源:羊城晚报 云上岭南
  • 发表时间:2023-01-05 17:36

#TheGreatBeautyofGuangdong #NewYearinLingnanSeeing flowers is a tradition of the Spring Festival in Guangzhou. Guangzhou Yuexiu West Lake Flower Market enjoys the reputation of a "hundred years flower market". It is also part of the traditions of the Chinese New Year.

This year, the flower market is expected to resume normal operation offline. At present, Yuexiu District is open to soliciting the design and construction scheme of the main archway of the 2023 New Year flower market. It is reported that the design will emphasize environmental protection and highlight Guangzhou as the traditional flower market center.

It will remain until the end of the first lunar month. People think the flower market brings good luck. So we look forward to welcoming the Chinese New Year with a lively flower market!





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