立秋 秋季的第一个节气
Liqiu, or the beginning of autumn, is the first solar term in autumn.
(chill breeze arrives, white dew in sight, cicadas chirping in autumn light)
立秋是阳气渐收 阴气渐长 由阳盛逐渐转变为阴盛的节点
In traditional Chinese terms, liqiu is the turning point when yang energy starts to decline, and yin energy begins to grow.
万物从繁茂生长趋向萧索 成熟
Every living thing that was once rapidly growing in summer, now begins to ripen and fade.
立秋虽到 但尚未出暑 酷热依旧
Although autumn has arrived, the heat has not yet ceased.
正所谓“热在三伏” 还有“秋后一伏”
Just as the old saying goes, the heat in sanfu lingers till earlyfall.
In ancient Chinese farming culture, the importance of liqiu is no less than traditional festivals.
民间至今仍保留着过立秋节 啃秋 晒秋等习俗 祈求丰年 顺遂
Till today, Chinese folks still maintain customs of celebrating liqiu festival, eating autumn fruits, and drying newly harvested crops in hope of a good harvest.
Everyfallen leaf tells the arrival of autumn.
Before one even realizes, time slips away quietly and half of the year has passed.
但也在提醒我们 不负韶华 不负春秋
But the arrival of autumn is also a gentle reminder, telling us to savor autumn light and live a year of harvest.
陈黙 广东省中国画学会会员 广东省青年美术家协会理事
中山市美术家协会会员 中山市书法家协会会员
策划:陈锦霞 郑咏梅