【雲上嶺南】Chaoshaners' Unique Food Pairing


  • 来源:云上岭南
  • 发表时间:2021-07-16 19:08

When it comes to food pairing, Chaoshan people always pay particular attention to the one-on-one collocation of dishes, such as braised goose should go with garlic vinegar, oyster omelette with fish sauce, beef balls with shacha sauce, fish rice with soy sauce. Once sauces are mixed up, the taste might also be as good as they can be. Apart from that, Chaoshan people also aim to create a visual spectacle. With red peppers tossed on the plate alongside thinly sliced ginger and garlic cloves, a tasty dish will be ready to be eaten. The most classic matching can be “plain congee with pickles”, which is a common, home-cooked but memorable homey flavor.  



花地 | 潮汕人如此讲究菜式搭配,“自己人”才懂!

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