【雲上嶺南】Beautiful rainbow after rain

“ 下班雨 ” 后的彩虹,就是这么好看!

来源:金羊网 作者: 发表时间:2021-05-27 16:37
金羊网  作者:  2021-05-27
Was this a gift to the people who had worked hard all day? 很...

On the evening of May 25, many people who came home from work were trapped because of a sudden rainstorm in Guangzhou and Foshan. However, when the rainstorm stopped, the citizens of the two cities looked up and found a surprise-a beautiful rainbow after the rain appeared in the sky! Was this a gift to the people who had worked hard all day?

佛山南海区彩虹  温淼森  摄

5 月 25 日傍晚, 因为一场突如其来的 “ 下班雨 ” ,不少正在回家的人被困住了。然而,在暴雨稍歇时,广州和佛山两地的市民抬头望天却发现了惊喜 —— 雨后彩虹。很美!这是老天爷给努力工作一天的大家的奖励吗?



