The premiere of "The White Snake" was held in Guangzhou【艺术文化】《白蛇传·情》在广州举行首映礼

来源:金羊网 作者: 发表时间:2021-05-24 20:28
金羊网  作者:  2021-05-24
Have you ever seen "Lady White Snake" from Guangdong?

Have you ever seen "Lady White Snake" from Guangdong? This year, the first Cantonese opera film, "The White Snake", premiered in Guangzhou. This movie with "love" as the main storyline shows people's beautiful expectations of love and the pursuit of truthfulness, kindness and beauty. Moreover, it combined the culture of traditional opera and movie language, successfully leading the Chinese opera film to the age of the blockbuster. "Bai Suzhen", "Xiao Qing", "Xu Xian" and "Fa Hai" seem to escape from the screen to talk with us in real life. Would you like to know which interesting things they are talking about?  

你见过来自广东的白娘子吗?今年,中国首部4K全景声粤剧电影《白蛇传 情》在广州正式公映,该片以“情”为主线,展现人们对爱情的美好憧憬和对真善美的执着追求。影片因将戏曲文化与电影语言完美结合,成功将中国戏曲电影带入“大片时代”。“活”的白素贞、小青、许仙与法海走出屏幕与我们面对面聊天,想知道他们说了什么吗?


