A new Chaozhou opera play, Wang Hai Chao, will be staged soon.潮剧新戏《望海潮》即将上演

来源:金羊网 作者: 发表时间:2021-05-14 16:34
金羊网  作者:  2021-05-14
The play is deeply demonstrate the patriotic sentiments of t...

On 27 and 28 May, the new Chaozhou opera play, Wang Hai Chao, will be staged at Guangzhou Friendship Theater. The play is a modern drama with strong Chaoshan cultural characteristics, which deeply demonstrate the patriotic sentiments of the Chaoshan people. The elements in the play, such as bamboo baskets, Shantou University, the Bay Bridge and Kung Fu tea, instantly resonate with Chaoshan people at home and abroad.



粤艺观 | 潮剧新戏《望海潮》,深情演绎潮汕人的家国情怀
