Remember to turn off lights! These insects are extremely destructive after rain!

来源:Newsgd 作者: 发表时间:2021-05-07 22:35
Newsgd  作者:  2021-05-07
From April to June every year, especially when it is sultry ...

Termites flying under the lamp.(Photo:Southern Metropolis Daily)

Recently, Guangzhou has entered into its rainy season and a large number of termites have come again in groups! In the evening, these large groups of insects will fly around the street lights, and some will fly into the house in response to domestic lights. The common type of termite in Guangzhou is Coptotermes formosanus.

From April to June every year, especially when it is sultry after the rain, termites will fly out of the nest in large numbers, fly low near buildings and mate. A pair of termites can produce 2 million eggs within a year, which means its fertility is terrifying!

In addition, termites are extremely destructive! They will crawl into your closet, wooden furniture to eat your clothes and build nests inside. The formic acid secreted by termites can also corrode wood, cement, steel bars and other objects. If people come into contact with it, therefore can cause skin irritation.

How to find traces of termites?

The shed wings of termites will appear on windowsills and floors, this is the most common visible trace of termite damage.

Termites will fly in groups under the lights in the evening when the weather is sultry and low pressure from April to June.

Damage to wood items: Termites like to eat wood from the inside out, so if the wood makes a hollow sound when it is struck, it means that there may be termites inside.


Termites will destroy wood.(Photo: Nanfang Daily)

How to prevent termites?

Residents should install screen windows to prevent termites from flying into the room, and keep the room dry, and minimize turning on lights at night to attract termites. You can use electric mosquito swatter to eliminate termites to prevent them from breeding and nesting indoors if termites are found at home.

In addition, you can place a basin with water under an open bulb or light pipe to attract termites to fly into the water and let them drown.

How to eliminate termites?

If signs of termite damage are found, the site should be properly protected, and items should not be moved to avoid damage to ant roads and ant nests. Do not spray them with pesticides or other drugs, or use fire or hot water to scald them, which will make termites escape and migrate anywhere. It is best to ask professional ant exterminators to deal with the problem.

Author | Alice
